In my 16 years of heading recruiting businesses like Naukri e-Hire, Quadrangle and Naukri Premium services, I was responsible for finding & hiring the best talent for my client companies.

Interacting with fantastic teams and diverse clients, I often wondered of a service which worked from the candidate’s perspective, to assist them find their potential?

3 years back, I came across Coaching and found the solution as well as my calling & I got myself certified as a Leadership Career Development Coach.

Through Coaching, now I assist various leadership candidates from varied industries to identify their niche skills, help them gain clarity and work towards a career that they can thrive in.

Using my recruiting experience, I have collated different mentoring modules also to facilitate candidates gain clarity on steps to develop their careers.

Now driven by my mission to educate, mentor & coach 1 Lakh people in making their lives & careers more meaningful & fulfilling.

My clients often say I ask them questions that they have never asked themselves.

Isn’t Quality of life determined by the quality of questions we ask ourselves. What do you think?

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