Do you remember the friend who was earning throughout school or college alongside studies to buy the newest phone? 

Or the colleague who gives time to a side job outside the workplace to make rent? 

All this was possible because they took the step to take part in a ‘Side Hustle’

With Work From Home becoming the norm, it’s time we bring the Side Hustle debate out of the closet.

Side Hustle means getting paid by others, in addition to your employer for your skills, knowledge or passion.

This has been a conflict of interest for years between the employer & the employee.

While a company provides you with salary and bonuses, how much of the employee do they own?

In my past experience, from most companies perspective, paying an employee means that they own the skill that an employee is equipped with.

So the employee should only use their skills for the company’s work. Eg. A website designer should only work on the website of the company and not earn from other gigs on the side.

From the employee’s perspective, providing freelance services to monetise their skill is not only beneficial as an additional source of income (in the world of no hikes or salary cuts), but also provides a great opportunity to enhance their skills in different environments.

Most say that Side-hustles are permitted as long as an employee’s work isn’t getting affected and quality performance is maintained. How does someone measure this, it definitely is a very fine line!

What do you think is the solution that can establish a win-win relation for both the employer and the employee? I’d love to know your comments! 🙂

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