M.S Dhoni’s retirement from International Cricket left the nation shattered, but it got me thinking about when is the right time to quit something?

Is that something which crossed your mind as well? Let’s dig deeper!

Looking at the reasons, there could be multiple but most of these primarily revolve around salary, opportunities, work experiences etc.

Personally, I define quitting as an action taken with the belief that you have done your best to grow and maximise impact in a given field, and now the results, whether incremental or not, don’t excite you anymore.

I’ve changed paths 3 times in my life. My 1st innings was in Nestle, working in FMCG sales and marketing for 7 years.

The 2nd innings started with Naukri in 2002, a complete change of industry, to a then start-up, but transition into an idea I believed in.

After heading various recruitment services for 16+ years, I have started my 3rd innings as a Leadership Career Coach.

Over the years, I’ve realized that each opportunity seized was a means to challenge myself, grow and establish meaning.

Be it in Nestle, Naukri or Coaching, I’ve created an impact, in ways I had never done before!

When fresh opportunities inspire you, that’s when you know a new path awaits to be explored.

With the functioning of the world being redefined today, what is your advice to individuals who are hesitant to start their next innings?

Alternatively, if you are an individual confused between where to start and what to do feel free to connect and I can help bring clarity through my Career Coaching services!

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