The last few months have been tough for everyone. Some people dipped into their savings whereas others tried to control expenses on various fronts. 

However, there has definitely been a good amount of time spent on upskilling oneself, whether it be on the professional front (That new course!) or the personal front (Cooking, maybe?)

Along with this the usual spending in terms of actual money has always been there, this revolves around Household Items, EMIs, Physical Appearance, Materialistic Possessions etc.

One key element which usually gets missed while investing in yourself is  ‘Personal Development’.

So what % of your annual salary do you invest on your ‘Personal Development’?

Let me reiterate, this ‘investment’ does not include money paid for your physical fitness like a gym instructor, etc. but only for your ‘Mental Growth’.

For example, buying & reading books is a great start.

Restrict the amount to what you spent on your own self, move aside any expenditure by the company as well!

Now think through, are you actually spending any money on ‘Mental Growth’? Is this figure a substantial number? Did this increase during the pandemic? 

If the answer is Yes, then congratulations, you’ve invested in your own development and that is a commendable feat!

If the answer is No, it’s never too late to start. Take the first step today!

In case you aren’t sure on where to start or what to do, feel free to write back for an overview of my offering as a Leadership and Career Development coach!

Hoping a new line of thinking opened up for you today.

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