Worked 7 years in FMCG to learn Sales and Marketing.

Worked 17 years in Recruitment to learn all aspects related to leadership hiring and then eventually moved out as a leader In this space.

Working as a Career Coach for 3+ years and striving to get better day by day.

The lines above aren’t to showcase what I’ve been able to achieve but focus on a very simple life lesson for growth –

“Consistency is significantly more important than intensity”

In any one or all the areas of our life like business, career, health, financial, spiritual, learning, relationships, or social, it is important for us to put consistent efforts (however small) than doing intense spurts.

Eg. exercising 15 min a day every day for a year gets us more results than doing an intense 10-hour workout in 1 day.

Similarly saving small amounts through SIP in mutual funds across years makes us financially more secure than investing a huge sum in spurts.

Wherever you are consistent, you will see long-lasting results.

So which area of your life have you been consistently working on? Let me know in the comments!

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